COIN headlined their biggest venue yet in Dallas, TX on August 7, 2022 at Toyota Music Factory. They filled the amphitheater with sounds of their newest record, Uncanny Valley, which was released in March. Songs like “Chapstick” and “Cutie” energized the crowd and were echoed with fans screaming along. The band also expressed incredible gratitude for their fanbase, especially in Dallas, because this place has always been a hub for COIN fans. One of my favorite moments of the show started with Chase Lawrence, lead singer and frontman for COIN, plucking away on the keyboard. Those plucks turned into the opening notes of “Getting Older” which caused the crowd to erupt in a sing along for the lyric “She lives down in Texas.” COIN always puts on an incredibly energetic show, ending with hits like “Talk Too Much” and “Crash My Car.” Catch COIN on the rest of the Uncanny Valley tour this fall!